Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm feeling stimulated.

Check me!

President Barrack Obama and his administration have successfully passed a bill allowing for the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan to go into effect. The link above provides a detailed breakdown of the stimulus plan, and where the plan should take us if everything goes as planned. 281 billion of the original 787 will be used as tax cuts for businesses while the remaining half trillion will be used for government spending. (Schools, jobs, transportation, etc...) As stoked as I am to get some extra money this tax season, I'm left pondering if this stimulus plan will actually lift the dramatically falling economy, or will it just put this country further into debt?. In my eye's we are looking at yet another huge gamble brought on by our government seeing as we really dont have the money to be giving. Credit systems have become a large flaw in our current way of life, and in a large sense is a huge gamble in itself. There are many ways to look at the newly passed 787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan. What's done is done so there is no point getting upset about it. Like most of you, I am waiting to see the final outcome. Only time will tell.

Kyle Tannery

"America is for sale, and you can get a good deal on it." - NOFX

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