Friday, May 15, 2009

re: Ever heard of photoshop!!!

I agree with Mavhu on her comment that the U.S. government was extremely careless by not allerting the New York public of the photo excersise that created such a commotion. There is definately a better way this situation could have been handled. Giving the governemt the benefit of the doubt though, if I personally saw any "threat" (low flying plane) followed by 2 U.S. fighter jets I would assume the situation (if there was one) was under control. I am also thankful that no one was seriously hurt during the miscommunication.

As far as the money/economy aspect of the blog, we are in America. Since our rise to status as a world power, we have used an extra emphasis to make sure we at least give the illustion that we are still completely on top of our problems. America has never passed up the chance to show the rest of the world that no matter what problems we encounter as a nation, we will still continue to run the country as if nothing was wrong. As far as the money that was spent on the operation, with the glass half full, government spending has been helpful in previous instances to stimulate economies. People did recieve money for the work they did such as photographers, pilots, etc...
On the other hand though the money spent could have been put towards something more helpful or practical. Education? Public transportation? Who knows.

As far as photoshopping an image of Air Force One infront of monuments...come on. This is America!!!! We are the real deal, legit to the day we die (which will be never, of course). We have never hoaxed or half heartidly done anything at all right? Why start now?

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